.: Apresentações :.
Workshop on Good Regulatory Practice
The Experience of the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu in, Promoting Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA)
Palestrante: Jennifer Fang-Yu Huang
RIA - Benefits and Application
Palestrante: Scott Jacobs
The Brazilian Guide on Good Regulatory Practices
Palestrante: Alfredo Carlos Orphão Lobo
Colombia - The use of transparency and participation mechanisms – The local experience
Palestrantes: Ramón Madriñan
Administrative Burden Reduction and Impact Assessment
Palestrantes: Cavan O’Connor
Focus on Transparency and Consultation
Palestrante: Representante do Ministério de Comércio e Indústria da África do Sul
Regulatory Practices in India
Palestrante: Chandra Shekhar
Israel’s Experience in Cooperation between Regulators
Palestrante: Grisha Deitch
How to Determine the Need to Regulate
Palestrante: Neil Eisner
Strengthening Trade-Related Policy Coherence in Assessment Tools - The Experience of Emerging Economies
Palestrante: Barbara Fliess
The European Commissions Better Regulation Strategy
Palestrante: Cavan O’Connor
Good Regulatory Practice - Malaysia’s Experience
Palestrante: Rajinder Raj
Korea’s Approach to Good Regulatory Practice
Palestrante: Gyung Ihm Rhyu
US-EU Regulatory Cooperation - Approaches and Experiences
Palestrante: Jim Sanford e Simon Holland
Use of Standards in the Regulatory Regime - Canadian Experience
Palestrante: David Shortall
Japan’s Experience and Perspectives on Good Regulatory Practice
Palestrante: Masafumi Sugano
CHILE - Experiencia con las Buenas Prácticas Regulatorias
Palestrante: Ana Maria Vallina
The Importance of Transparency in Regulatory Reform
Palestrante: Jeff Weiss
The Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement (RIAS) in Canada
Palestrante: Karen M. Zarrouki
TBT Workshop on Statements on the Implementation and Administration of the Agreement under Article 15.2.
Workshop on the Statement on Implementation and Administration of the TBT Agreement
Palestrante - Stefania Bernabè
WTO-TBT Workshop Article 15.2 Statements
Palestrante - Masa Princess Ndlangamandla
Mise en oeuvre et Administration de l’Accord OTC
Palestrante - BAKO ILLIASSOU
Fifth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange
Un instrumento de Buenas Prácticas para la
Palestrante - Carolliina Ramíírez Joiignantt
Determining the necessity to notify and completing the notification formats
Palestrante - Andrea Spencer
Special Meeting of the TBT Commitee on Procedures for Information Exchange - the use of electronic tools
Palestrante - Cyril Hanquez
Brazilian Export Alert System - an Eletronic tool for improving SME’s knowledge on WTO countries regulations
Palestrante - Rogerio de Oliveira Corrêa
Experiences in making TBT Notifications in China
Palestrante - Guo Lisheng
The Use of Electronic Tools in WTO-TBT Enquiry Point Work
Palestrante - Guo Liisheng
Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange
Palestrante - Anne Meininger
Use of Electronic Tools for the Dissemination of Comments
Palestrante - Ying-Ching SU
SPS Information Management System (SPS IMS)
Assistance provided by ITC to National Enquiry Points
Palestrante - Shyam Kuamr Gujadhur e Bertrand Monrozier
Working in the 21st Century - “Age of Information”
Palestrante - Anne Meininger
Raising the African Standard - Through Training and Assistance
Palestrante - René Heydenrich
Le Point National d’Information Sur les Obstacles Techniques au Commerce de l’INNORPI - Etat des lieux et perspectives
Palestrante - Amara Zayani
Sistema Nacional de Informacion y Notificacion Paraguay
Palestrante - Bruno Belmont
Measuring Effectiveness in Enquiry Points
Palestrante - Craig Radford
Labor del Servicio de Información y la Cooperación Técnica Colombia
Palestrante - Daniel Hector Rico
Exchanging informations on WTO countries regulations - A Technical Cooperation experience among Portuguese and Spanish language countries
Palestrante - Rogerio de Oliveira Corrêa
Workshop on the different approaches to conformity assessment
Mise en place d’une infrastructure qualité dans la zone UEMOA
Palestrante - Abdou Seyni
WTO Seminar on the Different Focuses of Conformity Assessment
Palestrantes - Alfredo Carlos Orphão Lobo
Main Tasks of ILAC and IAF
Palestrantes - Daniel Pierre
Relevance of UNIDO Services to the Responses to the WTO Questionnaire G_TBT_W_178
Palestrante - Gerardo Patacconi
Establishment of conformity assessment schemes in developing countries
Palestra - Gerardo Patacconi
The Conformity Assessment(CA) Infrastructure of Developing Country Memebers - Concerns and Challenges Nigeria as a Case
Palestrante - John Ndanusa Akanya
Conformity Assessment Procedures in India & Role of Bureau of Indian Standards - an Overview
Palestrante - Rakesh Verma
Conformity Assessment Practices of the Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS)
Palestrante - Terrence Awai
Ejemplos de Proyectos de Asistencia Técnica en los países en desarrollo en materia de Evaluación de la Conformidad
Palestrante - Maritza Madriz Picado
Taller sobre los Diferentes Enfoques de la Evaluación de la Conformidad - “Comercio y Confianza”
Palestrante - María J. Rivera
Examples of arrangements between conformity assessment bodies used by regulators - The IEC schemes IECEE and IECEx
Palestrante - Gabriel Barta
Canada’s experience in forest certification
Palestrante - Guillaume Gignac
Approaches to Facilitate the Recognition of Results “The Experience of the European Co-Operation for Accreditation”
Palestrante - Lorenzo Thione
Mutual Recognition Agreements and Regulatory Co-operation - Some EU Experiences
Palestrante - Paul De Lusignan e Brian Jenkinson
Conformity Assessment and Regulations & the Iso-Casco Toolbox
Palestrante - Peter Dennehy
National Considerations for the Preparation and Application of Conformity Assessment Procedures
Palestrante - Rafael Nava
Taller sobre los diferentes Enfoques de la Evaluación de la Conformidad
Palestrante - Ramón Madriñán
Conformity Assessment Procedures Trade Impact on Manufacturers
Palestrante - Robert W. Noth
Other Approaches to facilitate the Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results - Use of Accreditation
Palestrante - Robin Neeren Gopee
Mutual Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results - Japan’s Experience and Observation
Palestrante - Shinji Fujino
Accreditation provides confidence in conformity assessment
Palestrante - Tony Craven
Electronics & IT Industry Sector’s Perspective on Mutual Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Result
Palestrante - Toshiyuki Kajiya
Implementation of Voluntary Market Schemes
Palestrante - Wayne Morris
Overview of the TBT Committees Work on Conformity Assessment and of the Relevant Provisions of the TBT Agreement
Palestrante - Ludivine Tamiotti
Handling complaints
Palestrante - Anna Camboim
Trends in the Mechanisms to Facilitate the Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results
Palestrante - Barbara Fliess
Sector-specific Approaches to Conformity Assessment - Vehicle Emissions and Noise Standards
Palestrante - Hui Chen Chien
TBT workshop on suppliers declaration of conformity (SDoC)
ISO-IEC 17050-2004, Supplier’s declaration of conformity
Palestrante - Alan Bryden
The Brazilian Experience
Palestrante - Alfredo Carlos Orphão Lobo
Market Surveillance Mechanism for Industrial Products
Palestrante - Bing Yuan Liou
Canadian Experience with Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) in the Telecommunications Sector
Palestrante - Claude Beaudoin
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity for ICT Regulations
Palestrante - David Ling
Experience with respect to electrical and mechanical sectors
Palestrante - Georg Hilpert
Transition to SDoC in the IT-Telecom sector in the European Communities
Palestrante - Per Döfnäs
Principal Technical Advisor Energy Safety Service
Palestrante - Peter Morfee
The view of the conformity assessment bodies in developing countries
Palestrante - Rafael Nava
Implementation of SDoC in Korea’s Automotive Sector
Palestrante - Woo-jin Jung
Supplier’s Declaration of Conformity (SDoC)
Palestrante - Ludivine Tamiotti
Fourth Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange
Coordination Among Regulatory Bodies - The Chilean Experience
Palestrante - Ana Maria Vallina
Preparation and Submission of Notifications
Palestrante - Andrea Spencer
Special Meeting on Procedures for Information Exchange
Palestrante - Anne Meininger
Handling of Comments
Palestrante - Cyril Hanquez
Preparation & Submission of Notifications in T&T
Palestrante - Devitra Maharaj-Dash
ISO-IEC Information Centre activities
Palestrante - Evgueni Patrikeev
Preparation and submission of notifications
Palestrante - Rampaipan Nakasatis
Malaysias Experience in Implementing Code of Good Practice for the Preparation, Adoption and Application of Standards
Palestrante - Salmah Mohd. Nordin
Processing and circulation of notifications - the experience of the Secretariat
Palestra - Stefania Bernabè
Diseminación de la Información Servicio de información de México
Palestrante - Danielle Schont Avenel
Dissemination of Notifications - Treatment of Feedback to-from Stakeholders and Preparation of Comments on Regulations from Other WTO Members in Uganda
Palestrante - George Opiyo
China WTO-TBT Enquiry Poiint and its Operation
Palestrante - Guo Lisheng
Benefiting from the Transparency Provisions - Dissemination of Information
Palestrante - Shan Chen
Functioning of WTO-TBT National Enquiry Point (NEP) for Kenya - Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS)
Palestrante - NDungu Evanson
TBT Learning Event on Labelling
Mandatory Minimum Energy Efficiency Requirements and Voluntary Energy Labeling Programme
Palestrante - Fanghei Tsau
Energy labelling
Palestrante - Jonathan Claridge
Workshop on Labelling (A Learniing Event) - Brazil
Palestrante - Armando Mariante
Colombian Flowers and Eco-Labels
Palestrante - Santiago Rojas Arroyo
Australia’s Energy Efficiency - Labelling Experience
Palestrante - Tiim Yeend
Etiquetado de alimentos y bebidas no alcohólicas en México
Palestrante - Francisco Rosete Ramírez
Canada’s Health Warning Messages for Tobacco Products
Palestrante - Byron Rogers
A Survey of Food Labeling laws regulations and standards in China
Palestrante - Jiao Yang
Etiquetado Nutricional de Alimentos
Palestrante - Maria J. Rivera
Food Labeling in the United States
Palestrante - Sarah Fogarty Thorn |