Antígua e Barbuda Bahamas Barbados Belize Costa Rica Cuba Dominica El Salvador Granada Guatemala Haiti Honduras Jamaica Nicarágua Panamá República Dominicana Santa Lúcia São Cristóvão e Nevis São Vicente e Granadinas Trinidad e Tobago Página Inicial

Produto: Transportes (Agosto/2012)


Temas Horizontais:

Diretiva 2007/45/EC: Diretiva 2007/45/EC - estabelece as regras relativas às quantidades nominais dos produtos pré-embalados, revoga as Diretivas 75/106/CEE e 80/232/CEE e altera a Diretiva 76/211/CEE.

Resumo das legislações sobre embalagens

- Sistema Ponto Verde

Este sistema representa todos os tipos de atividades envolvidas na chamada cadeia de embalagens e cobre, sobretudo, 6 materiais específicos de embalagens: papel/cartão, vidro, plástico, aço, alumínio e madeira.

A sociedade Ponto Verde possui a seguinte base legal:

Decreto-Lei nº 366-A/97

Portaria nº29-B/98

Decreto-lei nº 162/2000

Outros links importantes sobre o Ponto Verde:

Site Oficial do Packaging Recovering Organisation Europe

Produtos Específicos:

1- Aeronaves

Technical standards for civil aircrafts

In order to be placed in the European Union (EU) market civil aircrafts must meet the essential requirements of airworthiness laid down by Regulation 1592/2002 (OJ L-245 07/09/2002) and the environmental protection requirements contained in Annex 16 to the Chicago convention on international civil aviation.

Compliance with the essential requirements is compulsory for any civil aircraft including any product, part or appliance installed or intended to be installed in a civil aircraft as defined in article 4 to Regulation 1592/2002 (OJ L-245 07/09/2002).

Annex I to Regulation 1592/2002 (OJ L-245 07/09/2002), lays down the essential requirements of airworthiness, which are related to product integrity (e.g. structure and materials, propulsion, system and equipment), product operation and organisations structure.

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is the competent body in the EU to ensure compliance of aircrafts, products, parts and appliances with the relevant essential requirements. The EASA has specific regulatory powers to produce rules in the field of airworthiness and environmental protection.

Depending on the nature of the product (aircraft, part, appliance, etc) and the requirement, compliance should be accredited by different specific certificates and/or licenses which are established in Regulation 1702/2003 (OJ L-243 27/09/2003). Applications for licenses and certificates must be submitted to the Member States' National Aviation Authorities.


Council Regulation 1592/2002 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency (OJ L-245 07/09/2002).
Council Regulation 1702/2003 implementing rules for the airworthiness and environmental certification of aircraft and related products, parts and appliances, as well as for the certification of design and production organisations (OJ L-243 27/09/2003).
Council Regulation 3922/1991 on the harmonisation of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation (OJ L-373 31/12/1991).

2- Autopeças

The EC legislation on these matters is available and can be downloaded free of charge to any interested party at the following web page:

3- Veículos Automotivos

Technical standards for motor vehicles

The placing on the European Union (EU) market of certain categories of motor vehicles must comply with the technical requirements which have been harmonised by EU legislation.

EU legislation has harmonised technical requirements for three categories of motor vehicles, namely passenger cars, motorcycles and tractors as well as their trailers, systems, components and separate technical units.

A type-approval procedure is established in order to check compliance with the harmonised technical requirements (EC type-approval). Manufacturers who have a type approved vehicle in one Member State can market the vehicle in all Member States without further tests.

Nevertheless, buses, coaches, commercial vehicles and trucks have not EU harmonised technical requirements, therefore each Member State establishes its own technical approval procedures.

The EC whole vehicle type-approval system applies to tractors, passenger cars and to motorcycles on a mandatory basis. For tractors, since 1990 manufactures might choose between obtaining an EC type-approval, or requesting a national type-approval based on the technical requirements established by the Member State. From July 2005 mandatory EC type-approval for new types of tractors is applied.

There are three framework directives, which provide for the general rules applicable to the type-approval of motor vehicles, motorcycles and tractors, respectively. Moreover, specific technical requirements for construction and safety (i.e. sound levels, fuel consumption, speed limiters, braking system,...) and testing procedures are laid down in over 90 separate directives.

EC Type-approval procedure

Applications for type-approval must be submitted by the manufacturer or his authorised representative to the approval authority within a single Member State. These must be accompanied by the manufacturer's dossier and the type-approval certificate for each part and system included in the list of technical requirements for vehicle category.

Type-approval shall be granted to all types of vehicle, systems, separate technical units or components if they meet the technical requirements listed for the specific category of vehicle and correspond to the data supplied by the manufacturer.

In order to obtain an EC whole vehicle type-approval and be placed on the market, the vehicle must comply with all the relevant directives.

The approval authority in each Member State will complete a type-approval certificate and its annexes concerning the results of tests and will send this to the applicant.

A reciprocal information system is set up between the type-approval authorities in each Member State.

Certain categories of vehicles produced in conformity with the approved type must bear a type-approval mark that consist of the type-approval number, the letter e followed by the identifying number or initials of the Member State conducting the type-approval and the vehicle identification number.

A certificate of conformity will be drawn up by the manufacturer or his authorised representative for each vehicle, or separate technical unit or component produced in conformity with the approved type.

When a vehicle is accompanied by this certificate it may be placed on the market, sold and registered for use throughout the EU.


Framework Directives

Council Directive 70/156/EEC of 6 February on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the type-approval of motor vehicles and their trailer. (OJ L-42 23/02/1970)
Directive 2002/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 March 2002 relating to the type-approval of two or three-wheel motor vehicles and repealing Council Directive 92/61/EEC (OJ L-124 09/05/2002)
Directive 2003/37/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 May 2003 on type-approval of agricultural or forestry tractors, their trailers and interchangeable towed machinery, together with their systems, components and separate technical units and repealing Directive 74/150/EEC (OJ L-171 09/07/2003)
List of separate Directives on each category of motor vehicles

Automotive Directives
Other information sources

European Commission - DG Enterprise and Industry:
Automotive Enterprise

Temas que geraram esta página:

- Aeronaves
- Autopeças
- Veículos Automotivos

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