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115° Encomex

.: Quais são as exigências técnicas para produtos têxteis na Austrália? :.

Austrália - Têxteis

As seguintes informações foram fornecidas pelo Ponto Focal da Austrália, para obtenção de informações sobre exigências técnicas de produtos têxteis:

Existem dois regulamentos técnicos que possuem requisitos para etiquetagem de produtos têxteis:

1) Consumer Product Information Standard for Care Labelling for Clothing and Textile Products (effective 1 January 2004).

Este regulamento é baseado na norma Australiana-Neo Zelandesa (Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1957:1998 Textiles Care labelling, with variations as set out in Division 3 of the regulation).

AS/NZS 1957:1998 sets out words, phrases and symbols detailing the care treatment of upholstery, garments and other articles in order to supply relevant and accurate information to a prospective purchaser at the point of sale. It states what information should be included on a permanent label and what instructions may be supplied separately in lieu of a permanent label - for example, where information is printed on packaging. The regulation specifies that the wording of the label must be in English and be clearly legible(clause 2.1.3(D)).

2) Consumer Product Safety Standard for Children's Nightwear and Limited Daywear Having Reduced Fire Hazard (effective 1 November 1999). This regulation is based on Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS 1249:1999 Children's nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard, again with variations as specified in Division

AS/NZS 1249:1999 specifies requirements for fabrics, trims and labelling of children's nightwear and some daywear garments which are commonly worn both day and night, in Sizes 00 to 14 in four categories. It also covers labelling of envelopes containing paper patterns.

Cópias destas normas podem ser adquiridas em Standards Australia no endereço internet:

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