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  • Refrigerantes

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DIN 8960. 1998-11-00. ST*N. Refrigerants - Requirements and symbols. The document specifies requirements for refrigerants provided for use in refrigerating systems. The test methods are subject to agreement. In addition to the designation of commonly used refrigerants it also specifies a simple system of symbols to be used as a substitute for the chemical designation, formula or trademark. Although the use of a number for each refrigerant taken into account represents a short and precise type of designation, it is not intended to exclude any use of a chemical designation or formula. 11. EUR 38,80. 8.

ISO 817. 1974-09-00. ST*N*PW. Organic refrigerants; Number designation. Note: To be replaced by ISO/DIS 817 (2003-09). Establishes a simple system of referring to common organic refrigerants instead of using the chemical name, formula or trade name. Although the use of a number is an accurate way of designating the refrigerant, there is no intention of precluding the use of a chemical name or formula. - Replaces ISO Recommendation R 817-1968. 4. B.

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