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Produto: Gêneros Alimentícios (Agosto/2012)


For further information on regulations, we recommend you to contact the authority concerned such as;
- Chemical Department, Manufacturing Industries Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
TEL: 81-3-3580-5651

As for conformity assessment procedure, please refer the following information;
'Outline of JIS Mark'
This page includes information on procedure.

For further information on JIS Mark, please contact;
- Japanese Industrial Standard Committee
TEL: 81-3-3501-9245

We suggest you to contact the following authorities.

-Standards and Evaluation Division, Department of Food Safety, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
TEL: 81-3-5253-1111

Also, the following organization possibly will help you.
- Japan Alcohol Association
TEL: 81-3-6228-8821

Temas Horizontais:

Informações para a exportação de gêneros alimentícios ao Japão:

Handbook for Agricultural and Fishery Products Import Regulations

Produtos Específicos:

1- lcool Etílico não desnaturado, com um teor alcoólico em volume igual ou superior a 80%

Liquor Tax Law (Only in Japanese)

Law Concerning Screening of Chemical Substances and Regulation of their Manufacture, etc.

2- Alimentos para Animais

1. The Pharmaceutical Affairs Law is applied to pet foods that is
manufactured with antibiotic and/or antibacterial substances antibiotic
and/or antibacterial substance for the purpose of pharmaceutical effects.
As the procedure of permission and apprpoval for the product differs
depending on whether it has been imported before, it is necessary for
importers to consult the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries
for guidance.

2. The Food Sanitation Law is not applied since pet food is not classified
as food.

3. For sales in Japan, the Fair-Trade Council for Pet Foods, accredited by
the Japan Fair Trade Commission, excercises voluntary regulations. Based
on the Act Against Unjustifiable Premius And Misleading Representations,
the voluntary regulations stipulate that the Fair Competition Rules for
Labeling on Pet Foods regulates labeling and premiums in relation to sales
to prevent exessive competition and deceptive advertisments over dog and
cat foods.
The labeling of pet foods for retail sale should be written in Japanese
with the following 9 items:

(1) whether the pet food is dog food or cat food
(2) the purpose of pet food (food for general nutrition, snack food, food
for other purposes)
(3) quantity of contents method of feeling
(5) use-by date or date of manufacture
(6) components
(7) names of ingredients
(8) country of origin
(9) name and adress of the company who manufactures or imports and sells
pet foods

The label can present the General Nutrition information, but it cannot
contain the term complete as it implies a detective advertisment.
Exaggerated packing is not allowed either.

4. Authority and organization concerned:

Animal Products Safety Division,
Food Safety and Consumer Affairs Bereau
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries:

The Fair-Trade Council for Pet Foods:

Temas que geraram esta página:

- Álcool Etílico não desnaturado, com um teor alcoólico em volume igual ou superior a 80%
- Alimento para cães e gatos
- Vinagre
- Palmito

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