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Produto: Carne

O Ponto Focal do Reino Unido respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de carne bovina e de aves:

Dealing with Animal Health rules and I can confirm that the importation into England of bovine meat from Brazil is permitted provided that it complies with EU import conditions. This means that each consignment must be accompanied by animal and public health certification and it must come from approved plants.

Each consignment must enter the EU through a Border Inspection Post (BIP) and must be pre-notified. The conditions are set out in Trader Information Notes (TINs) which are available on our website:

Due to incidence of Foot and Mouth Disease in Brazil, the country is regionalised, so imports are only permitted from certain areas. In addition the meat has to be deboned and matured.
An animal health import licence is not required, but importers may need to get other documents - see the additional information sheet at the bottom of the TIN.

In the EU, the hygiene requirements for producing fresh meat and poultry
meat are set out respectively in Council Directive 64/433/EEC and
71/118/EEC. These Directives are implemented in the UK by two separate
pieces of legislation, namely the Fresh Meat (Hygiene and Inspection)
Regulations (FMRs), SI 1995 No. 539, as amended (applicable to 'red meat')
and the Poultry Meat, Farmed Game Bird Meat and Rabbit Meat (Hygiene and
Inspection) Regulations (PMHRs), SI 1995 No. 540, as amended.

Copies of these Regulations, as well as subsequent amendments, are
available as priced publications from The Stationery Office (TSO), P O Box
29, St Crispins, Duke Street, Norwich, NR3 1GN. Orders can also be placed
by phone on 44 (0) 870 600 5522, by fax on 44 (0) 870 600 5533.
Alternatively you can download them from the following link:


As to the future, you may wish to note that both the FMRs and PMHRs, as
amended, will be revoked on 31 December and replaced by new, directly
applicable EU food hygiene legislation which will come into force on 1
January 2006.

These Regulations, which will be directly applicable in all Member States,
comprise of:
Regulation 852/2004 (H1)- General Food Hygiene Rules;
Regulation 853/2004 (H2) - Specific Hygiene Rules for products of
animal origin;
Regulation 854/2004 (H3) - Official Controls on products of animal
origin; and
Directive 2004/41 (H5) - will repeal the existing EU legislation and
amend other related legislation with effect from 1 January 2006.

Copies of these documents and general information on the legislation and
its implementation in the UK can be found on the Agency's website at:

The legislation brings together requirements for different types of foods
which were previously covered under separate pieces of legislation,
including those for the meat sector.

You may also wish to view the European Commission website at:

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