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Produto: Frutas e Vegetais

O Ponto Focal da Bulgária respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de frutas e vegetais:

In relation to your enquiry concerning fruits, we are pleased to inform you on the Bulgarian legislation in this field:

Ordinance No. 9 of 26 march 2002 on the requirements for quality and checks on conformity of fresh fruit and vegetables, published in the State Gazette, issue 42/24.02.2002.c (em Inglês);

Ordinance No 19 of 8 August 2002 for sampling and methods for analysis of preservatives for surface treatment of citrons, published in the State Gazette, issue 80/20.08.2002;

Ordinance No 8 on the requirements concerning food additives authorized for use in foodstuffs, published in State Gazette issue 44/29.04.2002;

Ordinance No 23 on the Conditions and the Requirements for presentation of nutrition information in labelling of the foodstuffs, published in State Gazette issue 53/12.06.2001;

Ordinance No 136 on the Requirements for Labelling and Presentation of the Foodstuffs, published in State Gazette issue 62/28. July 2000, last amend. SG issue 19/2003;

Ordinance No 12 on the Norms of the maximum permissible quantities of heavy metals as food contaminants, published in State Gazette issue 55/04.06.2002;

Ordinance on the requirements to fruit juices, published in State Gazette issue 94/04.10.2002;

Ordinance on the requirements to fruit jams, jellies, marmalades, and jelly-marmalades and sweeten chestnut puree, published in State Gazette issue 19/28.02.2003;

Ordinance No 6 on the types of foods treated with ionizing radiation and the conditions and orders of their treatment, published in State Gazette issue 38/12.04.2002;

Law on foodstuffs, published in the State Gazette, issue 90/1999, last amend SG 102/ 2003;

Law on plants protection, published in the State Gazette, issue 91/10.10.1997, last amend SG 18/ 5.03.2004.

Ordinance_Fresh fruit and vegetables

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