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Produto: Têxteis (Agosto/2012)



Temas Horizontais:

Handbook for Consumer Product Import Regulations

Produtos Específicos:

1- Têxteis

Produtos e aparatos são objetos da seguinte regulamentação e procedimentos para venda:

- Household Goods Quality Labeling Law
- The Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representation
- The Law for Control of Household Products Containing Harmful Substances

Consulte os detalhes no website:

The Law for Control of Household Products Containing Harmful Substances

(I-2 Apparel) (Appendix-I) (Appendix-II) (Appendix-V)

1. Items under HS code 51.01, 51.02, 51.03, 51.04 are subject to the Domestic Animal Infectious Diseases Control Law.
2. Items under HS code 51.01, 51.05 are subject to the Law Concerning the Examination and Reulation of Manufacture, etc of Chemical Substances.
3. Terry towelling and similar woven terry fabrics under HS code 58.02 are subject to approval.
4. Raw silk, silk yarn, woven fabrics of silk and apparel containing silk yarn or of silk woven fabrics are subject to approval.

Temas que geraram esta página:

- Têxteis
- Têxteis - Lingerie e Roupas Esportivas

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