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Produto: Produtos Vegetais (Agosto/2012)



Temas Horizontais:

Informações para a exportação de produtos agrícolas ao Japão:

Handbook for Agricultural and Fishery Products Import Regulations

Produtos Específicos:

1- Café

In Japan, the Law Concerning Standardization and Proper Labeling of
Agricultural and Forestry
Products (JAS Law) prescribes mandatory labeling requirements for all foods
and beverages
other than alcohol, including fresh food, processed food, etc., for mass

Under the JAS Law, coffee beans which are only dried are regarded as ?fresh
foods?, and
labeling of ?name? and ?place of origin? is required in accordance with the
Quality Labeling
Standard for Fresh Foods under the JAS Law.
The name shall be declared with a common name expressing its content, such
as Coffee beans etc.
(2)Place of Origin
An imported product shall indicate the country of origin. For example, when
importing coffee
beans produced in Brazil and selling in Japan, ?Brazil origin? shall be
indicated on the products.
And it is also possible to use generally known place-name as the place of
Regarding details of labeling system for fresh foods, please refer to the
following websites.
- Quality Labeling Standard for Fresh Foods
(in Japanese)

Coffee beans which are roasted or grinded are regarded as ?processed
foods?. When importing
coffee beans, and roasting or grinding them in Japan, labeling of ?name?,
?name of raw materials?,
?contents?, ?expiration date?, ?methods of storage? and ?name and address
of manufacture? is
required. When importing and selling coffee beans which are roasted or
grinded in foreign countries,
they are considered as import products and required to label ?place of
origin? in addition to above
mentioned items and ?name and address of importer? instead of ?name and
address of manufacture?.
Regarding details of labeling system for processed foods, please refer to
the following websites.
- Quality Labeling Standard for Processed Foods
(in Japanese)

Besides the above mentioned standards, there is the Code of Fair
Competition concerning labeling
of ground coffee and instant coffee, which is not a technical regulation.
It provides the requirements
for labeling of ?source of raw coffee beans?, ?cultivar?, ?brand?,
?instruction for use? and ?methods
of grind? etc.
Regarding its details, please refer to the following websites.
- the Code of Fair Competition concerning labeling of ground coffee and
instant coffee

(in Japanese)

Temas que geraram esta página:

- Café
- Cogumelos do gênero Agaricus

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