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Produto: Mel

O Ponto Focal da Alemanha respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de mel:

Please see in the attachment the informations about german standards for honey. In case of orders please contact:
Beuth Verlag GmbH
Fax: +49 30 2601-1263

and note: only documents market Übersetzungen/en are available in english language!!!!

Dokumentnummer. Dokumentart. Ausgabedatum. Titel (Englisch). Kurzreferat (Englisch). Übersetzungen:

DIN 10750. ST*N. 1995-04-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of diastase activity. This document specifies a method for the determination of the enzyme diastase (amylase). The diastase activity is an important criterion to find out whether the analysed honey has been submitted to a heat treatment. Such a treatment could impair the quality of the honey.

DIN 10751-1. ST*N. 1992-05-00. Analysis of honey; determination of hydroxymethylfurfural; Winkler photometric method. The document specifies a method for the determination of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The HMF value is used for the evaluation of honey. es-M.

DIN 10751-2. ST*N. 1999-09-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of hydroxymethylfurfural - White direct photometric method. The document specifies a method for the determination of hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF). The HMF value is used for the evaluation of honey. En.

DIN 10751-3. ST*N. 2002-02-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of the content of hydroxymethylfurfural - Part 3: High performance liquid chromatographic method. The document specifies a method for the determination of the content of hydroxymethylfurfural in honey. En.

DIN 10752. ST*N. 1992-05-00. Analysis of honey; determination of water content; refractometric method. The document specifies a method for the determination of water content of honey, using a refractometric method. The water content is used for the evaluation of honey. es-M.

DIN 10753. ST*N. 2000-12-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of electrical conductivity. The document specifies a method for the determination of electrical conductivity of a honey solution. The method is used for the distinction betweeen blossom honey and honey dew honey. En.

DIN 10754. ST*N. 2002-08-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of proline content. The document specifies a method for the determination of proline content. The proline content is used for the evalution of honey. En.

DIN 10755. ST*N. 2001-04-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of mineral content. The document specifies a method for the determination of ash content. En.

DIN 10756. ST*N. 1995-04-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of free acidity. The document specifies a method for the determination of free acidity. The free acidity is used for the evaluation of honey.

DIN 10758. ST*N. 1997-05-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of the content of saccharides fructose, glucose, saccharose, turanose and maltose - HPLC method. The document specifies a method for the determination of saccharides fructose, glucose, saccharose, turanose and maltose content in honey. It can also be used for identification of further saccharides and its quantitative determination.

DIN 10759-1. ST*N. 1998-08-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of saccharase activity - Part 1: Siegenthaler method. The document specifies a method for the determination of saccharase activity (glucosidase) in honey. En.

DIN 10759-2. ST*N. 1998-05-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of saccharase activity - Part 2: Hadorn method. The document specifies a method for the determination of saccharase activity (invertase activity) in honey. En.

DIN 10760. ST*N. 2002-05-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of the relative frequency of pollen. The document specifies a method for the determination of relative frequency of pollen. En.

DIN V 10761. ST*VN. 2003-06-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of the content of streptomycin - High performance liquid chromatography postcolumn derivatisation. This prestandard specifies a method for the determination of the content of streptomycin in honey. By means of this method can be determined the content of dihydrostreptomycin, too.

DIN 10762. DC*N-E. 2002-11-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of ethanol content - Enzymatic method. This standard specifies a method for the determination of the content of ethanol in honey.

DIN 10763. DC*N-E. 2003-02-00. Analysis of honey - Determination of glycerol content - Encymatic method. This standard specifies a method for the determination of the content of glycerine in honey.

RAL-RG 164/5. TD*TR. 1976-12-00. Quality and testing specifications for honey.

HonigV. RG*V. 2004-01-16. Honey Ordinance.

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