Produto: Têxteis
O Ponto Focal da Suécia respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de calças compridas femininas:
There is an International/European/Swedish standard: Textiles - care
labelling code using symbols, SS EN ISO 3758.
Furthermore there is an EC directive: Directive 96/74 EC of the
European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 1996 on textiles
names (with amendments in Directive 2004/34/EC of 23 March 2004 and
Directive 2006/3/EC of 9 January 2006).
The Directives (96/74/EC, 2004/34/EC and 2006/3/EC) have been
implemented in technical regulations (KOVFS 2005:1 and KOVFS 2006:4)
published by the Swedish Consumer Agency.
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