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Produto: Aves

O Ponto Focal da Austrália respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de aves:

Standard 2.2.1 of the Australia/New Zealand Food Standards Code (Standard_2_2_1_Meat_v65.pdf) sets out compositional and labelling standards for meat and meat products, including poultry.
Standard 2.2.2
Standard_2_2_2_Egg_Products_v64.pdfcovers eggs and egg products. These standards do not address production and processing requirements. The full text of the Food Standards Code is available from the website of Food Standards Australia New Zealand:
As regards quarantine requirements, you may be aware that there is a total prohibition on imports of uncooked chicken meat into Australia from all countries (import condition C5023). Biosecurity Australia is currently conducting an import risk analysis on uncooked chicken products, which may result in a change to this regulation.

For cooked, uncanned poultry products originating outside of Australia and New Zealand, a Quarantine Entry must be lodged for each consignment, which must also be inspected on arrival (import condition C5100). A permit application is required prior to importation and must be approved by the Canberra office of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (import condition C52036).
The goods must be treated in accordance with any conditions set out on the import permit (import condition T9902).

Import requirements for the following products are attached for your information:

Chicken meat - Uncanned and cooked:

icon chicken cooked.doc
Foods canned with more than 5% meat content:
icon meat canned +5percent.doc
Meats canned with less than 5% meat content:
icon meat canned -5percent.doc
Meat flavours - Heat processed (excluding dehydrated and freeze-dried meat): icon meat flavours.doc
Rendered animal fat - Not from ruminant animals:
icon fats.doc

This information is taken from the import conditions (ICON) database of the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS). Further information on quarantine requirements - including the ongoing import risk analysis on uncooked chicken meat - can be obtained from the website of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Australia (AFFA):

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