Produto: Produtos de Couro
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We have the following documents concerning adhesives for manufacturing leather goods and leather shoes:
Document identifier PN- EN 522:2000 * EN 522 - Adhesives for leather and footwear materials.
Abstract (English) Methods for the assessment of solvent-based and dispersion adhesives used for the bonding of upper and sole materials in footwear industry are provided. Minimal strength requirements are given together with relative test methods marking use of some reference materials. Sample preparation, procedure and reporting is described followed by a classification and code system for adhesives.
Document identifier PN- EN 923:2000 * EN 923 - Adhesives. Terms and definitions
Abstract (English) Terms and definitions relating to adhesives are given. 42 terms are given relating to adhesive names, 27 terms relating to functional components of adhesives, 55 terms describing adhesive chemical bases, 39 terms for properties, 68 for materials and their treatment and 41 characterising the properties of adhesive bonds. The enclosed bulletin contains a characteristic of adhesive types according to their physical form and main ingredients. Terms are given in Polish, English, French and German.
Document identifier PN- EN 1066:1999 * EN 1066 - Adhesives. Sampling
Abstract (English) Sampling methods are provided for adhesives and similar products, dependent on their nature and physical properties, to guarantee a uniform consistence of the specimen. Definitions of sample types are, given together with the division of adhesives into types, the sampling equipment, safety measures as well as labelling and package-sealing methods.
Document identifier PN- EN 1067:1999 * EN 1067 - Adhesives. Examination and preparation of samples for testing
Abstract (English) Preliminary assessment of a single sample is described as a way to prepare and reduce samples for testing by mixing and reducing the size of a series of samples of adhesives or similar products. A method of visual examination of products is supplied including the presence of head, its type and method of removal, the consistency and appearance of product, impurities, clarity and odour, detailed preliminary assessment for particular adhesive types as well as handling of samples taken
Document identifier PN- EN 1391:2001 * EN 1391 - Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. A method for evaluating the bondability of materials.
Abstract (English) Specifies a method for evaluating the bondability of leather and footwear materials in particular soling and upper materials in stuck-on assemblies using solvent-based or dispersion adhesives under specified conditions. It defines some minimum bond strength requirements e.g. the initial peel resistance, the peel resistance after storage under specified conditions, the peel resistance at a load. Establishes a classification of footwear materials. Definitions of terms: bondability, leather and footwear materials are specified, the principle of the method, preparation and conditioning of the test specimens, procedure and evaluation of test results and reporting are described
Document identifier PN- EN 1392:2000 * EN 1392 - Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. Solvent-based and dispersion adhesives. Test methods for measuring the bond strength under specified conditions
Abstract (English) Methods are provided for the testing of some stregth parameters of adhesive bonds made with leather and sole materials using solvent-based dispersion adhesives in different environmental conditions. The apparatus, devices and materials indispensable for testing have been defined along with sample preparation method, testing procedure and reporting
Document identifier PN- EN 12705:2002 (U) * EN 12705 Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. Determination of colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces by migration
Abstract (English) Specifies a method to determine the colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces caused by adhesives and/or their basic constituents migrating from the reverse sides to their upper surfaces. The principle of the method, apparatus and materials, preparation of test specimens, procedure, expression of results and reporting are described.
Document identifier PN- EN 12961:2002 (U) * EN 12961 Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. Determination of optimum activation temperatures and maximum activation life of solvent-based and dispersion adhesives
Abstract (English) Specifies the determination of optimum heat activation temperatures and maximum activation life of solvent-based or dispersion adhesives coated onto adherends, primarily based on the requirements for sole attaching adhesives. The principle of the method, adhesive and materials, apparatus, test pieces, procedure, evaluation and expression of results and reporting are described
Document identifier PN- EN 12964:2002 (U) * EN 12964 - Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. Lasting adhesives. Testing heat resistance of bonds at increasing temperature
Abstract (English) Specifies a method for determining the heat resistance of bonds produced by lasting adhesives. The principle of the method, apparatus, test pieces, procedure and reporting are described
Document identifier PN-68/C-02004 - Adhesives. Principles of classification
Document identifier PN-67/C-89105 - Adhesives. Terms and definitions
Document identifier PN- C-89351- Adhesives. Solvent based adhesives. Packing, storage and transport
Abstract (English) General requirements are set down regarding packages. Gives kinds of packages, ways of packaging and marking the packages. Requirements have also been given on storage place and conditions for storing and transport means
Document identifier PN- C-89354-1:1999 - Adhesives for the footwear materials. Test methods.
Abstract (English) A list of provided for preparing sheets of the standard and a list of standards for testing of adhesives for footwear materials has been given. Sampling and sample preparation procedure were specified.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-2:1996 - Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of peel strength of bonded adhesive joint
Abstract (English) A test for determination of the first and final peel strength of bonded assembly at the temperature (20 +- 2) degree C and humidity (65 +- 5) percent was specified. Definition are provided for thermal activation. The principle for the method was given as well as equipment to be applied, determination procedure and method for calculation of results
Document identifier PN- C-89354-3:1999 - Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of shear strength of bonded adhesive joint
Abstract (English) Adhesive bond testing method has been presented consists in the determination of the initial and final shear strength of bonded adhesive joint. The apparatus to be used, sample preparation, test procedure and result calculations have been provided.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-4- Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of peel strength of bonded adhesive joint after accelerated hydrothermal ageing
Abstract (English) A method has been described for the determination strength of bonded adhesive joint after hydrothermal ageing. The apparatus used, test procedure and result calculation have been provided.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-5:1998 - Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of peel strength of bonded adhesive joint after accelerated thermal ageing
Abstract (English) Method has been described for determination strength of bonded adhesive joint after thermal ageing. The apparatus used, test procedure and result calculation have been provided.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-6- Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. The thermal resistance determination of adhesive bonded joint under the constant loading
Abstract (English) A method has been given for determination of the separation rate of bonded objects under given load and at determined temperature. Necessary apparatus has been defined along with procedure, evaluation of results and test report.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-7:1999 - Adhesives. Adhesives footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of peeling and shear strength of adhesive bond at high or low temperature
Abstract (English) A method is given for testing of the peeling and shear strength of an adhesive bond at height or low temperature. The apparatus to be used, sample preparation, test procedure and result calculations have been provided
Document identifier PN- C-89354-8:1999 - Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of optimum open time
Abstract (English) A method is provided for the determination of time between adhesive application onto the elements to be bonded and the moment of joining them so that appropriate bond quality is reached. Necessary apparatus is given along with the preparation way of samples, determination method, result presentation and reporting
Document identifier PN- C-89354-9:1998 - Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of stability of solvent based adhesives
Abstract (English) Test method is described by which an adhesive sample is heated in a hermetically closed vessel. The test allows for the determination of stability expectancy in storage conditions specified by manufacturer
Document identifier PN- C-89354-11:1999- Adhesives. Adhesives for footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of strength of adhesive bond under dynamic conditions
Abstract (English) Adhesives bond strength determination method is described consisting in the determination of the separation time of two bonded elements subjected to flexing in a special device. A scheme of an exemplary device is shown in the figure. The sample preparation method, testing procedure and reporting of results are given.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-12:1999- Adhesives. Adhesives footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of organic solvent evaporation rate from solvent- based adhesives
Abstract (English) This method is used to test solvent-based adhesives having similar weight dry substance. The method enables the determination of solvent evaporation rate. It permits to forecast the open drying time of particular kinds of adhesives. Necessary apparatus is given along with the preparation way of samples, determination method, result presentation and reporting.
Document identifier PN- C-89354-13:1999- Adhesives. Adhesives footwear materials. Test methods. Determination of hot-melt mass flow rate index
Abstract (English) Two testing methods are presented: -method A used to determine the weight of adhesive extruded from a plastometer in given conditions during a time of 60 s, -method B used to determine the weight of adhesive extruded from a plastometer in given conditions, during a time needed for the plastometer piston to move along a strictly controlled distance. The necessary apparatus is specified together with the with way of sample preparation, determination procedure, manner of calculation of results and reporting.
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