Produto: Leite condensado
O Ponto Focal da Malásia respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de leite condensado:
Thank you for your enquiry.
Act and Regulations:
In Malaysia, food is regulated under Food Act 1983 & Food Regulations 1985, under the Food Safety & Quality Division, Ministry of Health.
Web address: www.moh.gov.my/fsq/index.htm.
To view these Act and Regulations, click at 'Food Act '83' and 'Food Regulations '85' located in the 'quick link' box on the right hand side. For Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter, please refer to Part VIII, Sections 82 to 102.
Please note also it is compulsery for milk products to comply with Part IV of the regulation, on Labelling.
Please do not hesitate also to contact us should you require more information or contact the Ministry directly by the following email: fqc-division@moh.gov.my.
Food Safety and Quality Division
Department of Public Health,
Ministry of Health Malaysia,
Level 3, Block E7, Parcel E,
Federal Government Administration Centre,
62590 Putrajaya.
Tel.: 603-8883-3888
Fax.: 603-8889-3815.
Voluntary Standards:
The following Malaysian Standards related to 'Milk and cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter' are available on voluntary basis:
1 - MS 25: 1983 Specification for condensed milk (First revision)
2 - MS 1054: 1986 Specification for condensed filled milk
3 - MS 1053: 1986 Specification for evaporated filled milk.
They can be purchased online from: msonline.sirim.my or you could directly contact our library at the following:
Technical Information & Intellectual Property Services
SIRIM Berhad
Section 2, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor
Tel.: 603 5544 6118 / 6113
Fax.: 603 5544 6114 / 6146
Email: isd_resource@sirim.my.
Some manufacturers also voluntarily applied for 'halal' certificate. This service is currently being run by our Deparment of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM). However, for products manufactured outside of Malaysia, certificates could be obtained from their respective local Islamic Associations. These Islamic Associations must be recognised by JAKIM. In the case of Brazil, the department recognises halal certificate from Federation of Muslim Association in Brazil. Address as below:
Federation Of Muslims Association In Brazil
Rua Tejupa
188 CEP 04350-020 Sao Paolo,
Tel. No.: 55 11 5031 0810
Fax No.: 55 11 5031 6586
E-Mail: fambras@ig.com.br.
JAKIM website as below for further information:
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