Produto: Carne
O Ponto Focal de Israel respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de carne:
There are 4 mandatory standards concerning the products you mentioned:
SI 497 - Meat and meat products - Test methods
SI 1188 - Minced meat and minced meat products
SI 1085 - Canned beef or mutton with additions of plant origin
SI 389 - Canned beef.
These documents can be obtained at the Standards Insitution of Israel library: library@sii.org.il.
There are also a number of regulations, orders etc... concerning additives, labeling, pesticides residues, etc...
These documents and the details concerning import approval, registration, procedures etc.. are under the responsibility of the Ministry of Health.
You should contact Ministry of Health, National Food Control Service Import Unit.
Utilize a base de informações do Ponto Focal para saber sobre novas notificações e inscreva-se no Alerta Exportador.