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Produto: Alimento para Animais de Estimação

O Ponto Focal do Reino Unido respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de alimentos para animais de estimação:

I contacted the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) regarding your enquiry, and they have provided the following information:

Imports of petfood are controlled by EU regulations, so importers will have to meet the conditions set in the regulations in order to import petfood to any EU country.

The import requirements are set in Commission Regulation 1774/2002 as amended by Regulation 668/2004. Regulation 1774/2002 also sets the internal EU controls on the sale of petfood. In particular Article 18 requires compliance with Annex VIII which stipulates the requirements for placing on the market of petfood.

Copies of the legislation can be found on the EU website

There is also some summary information on the Defra website on import conditions and procedures:

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