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Produto: Bebidas não-alcóolicas

Seguem-se os documentos ou os endereços eletrônicos indicados pelo respectivo Ponto Focal, cabendo observar que, ao contrário dos documentos, a consulta aos endereços pode propiciar a atualização em tempo real:

In general, and to allow you to select the standards which interest you, we advise you to daily defer you to the general catalogue of the French standards, European and international into force, updated and accessible on Internet to the address: clic the english version on the right top, heading Standards on line.

Click first of all on advanced research, click then on ICS List, you will thus obtain the list of the standardized fields. To reach the sub-headings of these great fields, click on the symbol. +. on the left of the list. Select finally the sub-heading which interests you and Confirm. It does not remain you any more that to click on search to obtain the list of the standards answering your request and you will be able to find their prices, dates, titles, versions linguistic and supports on which they are available.

For each document, the consultation of the scope or summary is possible while clicking on its reference.

To direct your research, we suggest you the following headings: 67.160.20 Boissons non alcoolisées.

For any further information on the regulation, we invite you to contact the Direction Générale de la Concurrnece, de la Consommation et de la répression des Fraudes (DGCCRF)
59 bld Vincent Auriol
75703 Paris Cedex 13
Info Service Consommation: 3939

Utilize a base de informações do Ponto Focal para saber sobre novas notificações e inscreva-se no Alerta Exportador.

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