Produto: Couro (Março/2012)
A U.S. Federal Trade Commission é a agência regulatória responsável pelo Código de Regulamentos Federais (CFR) Título 16, Partes 0 - 999
A U.S. Environmental Protection Agency é a agência refulatória federal responsável pelo Código de Regulamentos Federais (CFR) Título 40
Indústrias de couro dos EUA:
American Leather Chemists Association (ALCA): http://www.leatherchemists.org.
National Fashion Accessories Association
Luggage and Leather Goods Manufacturers of America
Temas Horizontais:
Produtos Específicos:
1-Produtos de couro
CFR, Título 16
Parte 23- Guides for the Jewelry, Precious Metals and Pewter Industries; packaging and labeling, guides for advertising and marketing, made in the USA, RN-registered number, etc.).
Parte 24- Guides for select leather and imitation leather products
CFR, Título 40
Parte 425- Leather tanning
Parte 63.5400-How do I measure the quantity of leather processed?
As normas ASTM podem ser revistas no site www.astm.org. Buscar por: standards, technical committees, Lab Directory
Technical Committee D31 (Couro), D13 (Têxteis)
ASTM D2208-00 Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength of LEATHER by the Grab Method
ASTM B380-97(2002) Standard Test Method of Corrosion Testing of Decorative Electrodeposited Coatings by the Corrodkote Procedure
ASTM B558-79(2003) Standard Practice for Preparation of Nickel Alloys for Electroplating
ASTM B2361 Electrodeposited Nickel Coatings on Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Substrates-Measurement of Coating Thickness-Magnetic Method
Material de referência sobre Normas do NIST - SRM 2350, Nickel Step Test Standard for Electrochemical Potential and Thickness Measurement
Temas que geraram esta página:
- Produtos de Couro
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