Produto: Brinquedos
Seguem-se os documentos ou os endereços eletrônicos indicados pelo respectivo Ponto Focal, cabendo observar que, ao contrário dos documentos, a consulta aos endereços pode propiciar a atualização em tempo real:
In reply to your mail, we inform you that, to get information on that subject, you should go on our website www.afnor.fr.
Please click on the english flag (on top left); then, click on Information, Standards and regulations click here and List of the New Approach directives; you can then, see the european regulation about the Safety of toys.
You can also go on the french part, at Information, Normes et réglementation, in the part Normes et textes réglementaires click on cliquez ici; then, click on the J in the alphabet, and finally select Jouets-Jeux.
That way, you'll get a complete range of the standards and regulations about the toys.
Utilize a base de informações do Ponto Focal para saber sobre novas notificações e inscreva-se no Alerta Exportador.