Produto: Móveis
O Ponto Focal do Reino Unido respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de móveis:
The Consumer and Competition Policy Directorate of the Department of Trade and Industry have advised that the information you have asked for regarding upholstered furniture, including mattresses, can be found on their fact sheet which is at:
On the fact sheet are links to the Guide to the Regulations (which is the main advice point) and the Regulations themselves.
With regards to car seats, the information below was sent from the Department for Transport:
I have responsibility for child car seats. These are the only items in our area that would be covered by specific technical regulations on the topics requested. The main standard used for child car seats in the UK is United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Regulation 44, which is a widely accepted international regulation which covers product specification and production conformity procedures. The regulation should be well known to the Brazilian authorities but, for information, I attach a link to the UNECE website which gives the full text:http://www.unece.org/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs/r044r1e.pdf
The Civil Aviation Authority provided the following information:
The seats in aircraft are required to comply with applicable paragraphs of the aircraft airworthiness requirements, the primary ones being CS 25 (EASA) and FAR Part 25 (FAA in the US). These address primarily strength (i.e. crashworthiness) and flammability. Other countries such as Canada and Brazil may have their own variations but essentially all these requirements are harmonised and I am aware of no technical differences. In addition there are equipment standards that a seat manufacturer may wish to comply
with and these are ETSO in Europe and FAA TSO in the US. Again, these are harmonised and there are no differences in other countries who generally accept these standards.
The FAR 25 and EASA CS 25 are available on the following links. The particular paragraphs that apply to seats are primarily 25.561, 562, 853 but there are others and I think that anyone using this information needs some help. If they are in Brazil they should talk to the CTA (Brazilian airworthiness authority) or Embraer, the aircraft manufacturer.
As far as conformity is concerned, I assume you are thinking of compliance finding and production standards. Finding of compliance with equipment standards is usually conducted by the national authority of the seat manufacturer, as is compliance with the aircraft requirements by the authority of the aircraft manufacturer. Most countries have bilateral agreements with other countries assuring mutual acceptance with minimal additional involvement and this would certainly include seats.
Production standards i.e. conformity of production to design, are monitored by national authorities and again, mutual acceptance is the general situation amongst major aerospace manufacturing countries, including Brazil.
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