Produto: Queijo
O Ponto Focal da Austrália respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de queijo:
In the first instance you should contact the
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service at www.aqis.gov.au/icon32/asp/homecontent.asp as they are the Australian Government organisation responsible for regulating imported foods.
All foods for sale within Australia must comply with the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (Code). You may wish to view Standard 2.5.4-Cheese, which defines the term 'cheese' and provides a compositional standard for that product.
Part 1.2 of the Code outlines the general labelling provisions (see Standards 1.2.1 through to 1.2.11) and are the specific provisions relating to this information. Please refer to the Code for the full provisions and exemptions. (you can access the Code from the below link).
It would also be advisable to view the rest of the Code to see if there are any additional requirements with regard to Part 1.3 - Substances added to foods, Part 1.4 - Contaminants and residues, Part 1.5 - Foods requiring pre-market clearance (in particular Standard 1.5.2), Part 1.6 - Microbiological and processing requirements and Chapter 2 on commodity standards.
Standard 1.2.9 - Legibility requirements; sets out the provisions for legibility including the provision for the English language labelling.
Food Standards: http://www.foodstandards.gov.au/thecode/
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