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Produto: Café solúvel

O Ponto Focal da Turquia respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de aditivos alimentares:

Regarding technical regulations and conformity assessment procedures of the soluble coffee being implemented in Turkey, for the labelling, marking, pesticides, contaminants, aromas and additives, Turkish Food Codex is in implementation (as the horizontal legislation), and it can be underlined that this Codex is in harmonisation with the related EC legislations.

Regarding the matters which are specific to the coffee, the Turkish Standart No 5389 which has a mandatory implementation is being used (as the vertical legislation). Please find attached the full text of the above mentioned standard: TS_5389

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is responsible for the Turkish Food Codex:
Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüðü

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