Produto: Vinagre
O Ponto Focal da Alemanha respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de vinagre:
In the attachment you will see the informations about the standards for vinegar.
Dokumentnummer. Ausgabedatum. Dokumentart. Titel (Englisch). German version. Kurzreferat (Englisch):
DIN EN 13188. 2000-11-00. ST*N. Vinegar - Product made from liquids of agricultural origin - Definitions, requirements, marking. EN 13188:2000. The document specifies definitions, requirements and marking for vinegar (product made from liquids of agricultural origin).
DIN EN 13188 Berichtigung 1. 2002-11-00. ST*N. Corrigenda to DIN EN 13188:2000-11 (EN 13188:2000/AC:2002). The project deals with an A-deviation of Switzerland.
DIN EN 13189. 2000-11-00. ST*N. Acetic acid food grade - Product made from materials of non-agricultural origin - Definitions, requirements, marking. EN 13189:2000. The document specifies definitions, requirements and marking for acetic acid food grade (product made from materials of non agricultural origin).
DIN EN 13189 Berichtigung 1. 2002-11-00. ST*N. Corrigenda to DIN EN 13189:2000-11(EN 13189:2000/AC:2002). The corrigendum contents an A-deviation of Switzerland.
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