Produto: Condutores elétricos
O Ponto Focal da Formosa respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de condutores elétricos :
List of products under HS 8544.51.90.00 and HS 8544.59.90.00 that are subject to mandatory inspection.
There is a dual-track approach of conformity assessment procedures for the products listed below. Manufacturers or applicants could choose either type-approved batch inspection or Registration of Product Certification (RPC) Scheme in order for their products to be placed on Taiwan market.
The approach of type-approved batch inspection requires that products have to be type-approved first and undergo simplified batch inspection before they are placed on the market. For products to be imported, the simplified batch inspection will be performed when they arrive at the harbors. The testing standards of type approval are the same as those under the Registration of Product Certification Scheme.
Details of both conformity assessment procedures are available at our web site: www.bsmi.gov.tw. Please visit the English site and check under laws and regulations for type approval and Registration of Product Certification.
HS Code. Product description. Inspection standards:
1) 8544.51.90.006. Other power supply wire and wire sets, fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 v but not exceeding 1,000v. RPC: Module I+III, CNS 10917 C4412, CNS 10917-1 C4412-1, CNS 10917-2 C4412-2, CNS 10917-3 C4412-3 or IEC 60799.
2) 8544.59.90.00-8-B. PVC insulated power cables. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 3301 C2058, CNS 6556 C2086 or IEC 60227.
3) 8544.59.90.00-8-G. Other wires and cables, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 v but not exceeding 1000 volts. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 679 C2012 or IEC60227.
4) 8544.59.90.008-H. Other wires and cables, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 v but not exceeding 1000 volts. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 675 C2010 or IEC60245.
5) 8544.59.90.00-8-J. Other wires and cables, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 v but not exceeding 1000 volts. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 546 C 2001 or IEC60245.
6) 8544.59.90.00-8-K. Other wires and cables, not fitted with connectors, for a voltage exceeding 80 v but not exceeding 1000 volts. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 3199 C2053 or IEC60227.
7) 8544.59.90.00-8-L. Rubber insulated lead wires for electric machinery and apparatus. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 5747 C2066 or IEC 60245.
8) 8544.59.90.00-8-M. 600v polyvinyl chloride insulated wire for electric apparatus. RPC: Module II+IV or
Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 6070 C2077 or IEC 60227.
9) 8544.59.90.00-8-N. 600v grade heat-resistant polyvinyl chloride insulated wires. RPC: Module II+IV or
Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 8379 C2103 or IEC 60227.
10) 8544.59.90.00-8-O. Outdoor weatherproof polyvinyl chloride insulated wires. RPC: Module II+IV or
Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 8559 C2105 or IEC 60227.
11) 8544.59.90.00-8-P. PE insulated wires. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII
CNS 10314 C2158 or IEC 60227.
12) 8544.59.90.00-8-Q. Polyvinyl chloride insulated drop service wires. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 7781 C2097 or IEC 60227.
13) 8544.59.90.00-8-R. Rubber insulated flexible cables. RPC: Module II+IV or Module II+V or Module II+VII, CNS 10599 C2159, CNS 10741 C2165 or IEC 60245.
Products that follow batch inspection will be required to pass type approval in advance before making application for batch inspection. The testing standards of type approval are the same as those under the Registration of Product Certification Scheme.
If you need further information please visit our website: www.bsmi.gov.tw.
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