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Produto: Produtos têxteis

O Ponto Focal da Finlândia respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de produtos têxteis:

Statement of fibre content is obligatory according to the European Union directive 96/74/EC. The fibre content shall be indicated using the official Finnish and Swedish terms. The use of abbreviations is not allowed.

Other obligatory information include:
- care labelling symbols. SFS-ISO 3758 is the standard used in Finland;
- the name of the manufacturer. It shall be indicated on the product and on the packaging, if the information is not visible through the packaging without opening it;
- size.

For further information please contact with:

Association of Textile and Apparel Industries FINATEX:

Customs Laboratory:

Cunsumer Agency:

Attached please find:
- the text of Directive 96/74/EC:
Directive 96/74/EC

- Decree on maximum amounts of formaldehyde in certain textile products (210/1988):
Decree _210/1988

- Decree on information to be supplied in respect of consumer products (97/1987):

Utilize a base de informações do Ponto Focal para saber sobre novas notificações e inscreva-se no Alerta Exportador.
América Central


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