Produto: Calçados
O Ponto Focal da Austrália respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de Calçados :
The follwing Australian States have mandatory regulations which specify requirements for certain particulars to be marked on boots and shoes.
These can be found on the Australian legislative website:
South Australian Consolidated Regulations:
South Australia (Trade Standards Regulation 2000)
Queensland Consolidated Regulations:
Queensland (Fair Trading Regulations 2001)
Tasmanian Consolidated Acts:
Tasmania (Goods (Trade Descriptions)) Act
Western Australian Consolidated Regulations:
Western Australia (Fair Trading (Footwear-Product Quality Standard) Regulations 1998
Tasmania also has a footwear (Safety) standard which specifies that safety footwear (incorporating a steel cap) may not be sold unless it complies with Australian Standard AS2210, and is marked with the Australian Standard compliance mark.
A copy of this standard can be purchased from Standards Australia at:
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