Produto: Bebidas alcóolicas
Seguem-se os documentos ou os endereços eletrônicos indicados pelos Pontos Focais de cada País, cabendo observar que, ao contrário dos documentos, a consulta aos endereços pode propiciar a atualização em tempo real:
US 204:2000/EAS 143 Standard specifications for Brandy Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements for brandies. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 205:2000/EAS 146 Standard specifications for Rum Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of sampling and testing for rum. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 206:2000/EAS 142 Standard specification for Vodka Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of test for vodka. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 207:2000/EAS 141 Standard specification for Whisky Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements for whisky (whiskey) intended for human consumption. It does not apply to whisky or whisky concentrate which shall be subject to further processing before consumption. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 208:2000 Specifications for Fortified Wine Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of test for fortified wines. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 209:2000 Specifications for Sparkling Wine Abstract: This standard specifies the requirements for sparkling Wines. It covers Red sparkling wines, white sparkling wine and rose sparkling wine. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 210:2000 Specifications for still table wine Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements and methods of test for still table wine. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 44:1999 Specifications for gins Abstract: This standard specifies the requirements and methods of sampling for gins. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 10000;
US 211:2000/EAS 144 Standard specifications for neutral spirit for manufacture of alcoholic beverages Abstract: This standard prescribes the requirements for neutral spirit intended for use in the manufacture or blending of alcoholic beverages. Legal Status: Voluntary Price: 8000;
US 212-2:2000/EAS 150 Carbon dioxide for use in manufacture of beverages - test methods Abstract: This standard prescribes the methods of test for carbon dioxide used for the carbonation of beverages. Legal Status: Voluntary Price: 30000;
US 216-1:2000 Carbon dioxide for use in manufacture of beverages - Part 1: Specifications Abstract: This standard prescribes the specification for carbon dioxide used for the carbonation of beverages. Legal Status: Compulsory Price: 8000;
US 216-2:2000 Carbon dioxide for use in manufacture of beverages - Part 2: Sampling and tests methods Abstract: This standard prescribes the methods of test for carbon dioxide used for the carbonation of beverages. Legal Status: Voluntary Price: 8000.
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