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Produto: Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrônicos

O Ponto Focal da Alemanha respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos:

At the moment there are no german laws/acts about the use of waste from electric/electronic equipment. For exact informations please contact:

Bundesministerium fuer Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit

There are german recommondations about that field:
VDI 2343, informations attached, all documents are bilingual in german and english, in case of price request and ordering, contact:

Beuth Verlag GmbH
Fax.: +49 30 2601-1263

Dokumentnummer. Dokumentart. Ausgabedatum. Titel (Englisch). Kurzreferat (Englisch):

VDI 2343 Blatt 1. TD*TR. 2001-05-00. Recycling of electrical and electronic products - Principles and terminology. As the terminology of recycling of used electrical and electronic equipment is not consistent in literature and practice, it has become necessary to define the pertinent terms with greater precesion in this guideline.

VDI 2343 Blatt 2. TD*TR. 2000-03-00. Recycling of electrical and electronical products - External and internal logistics. Logistics constitutes a considerable proportion of the total costs in the process of recycling old elektrical/electronic appliances. There is therefore great potential for minimising costs in logistics. In order to obtain the old electrical/electronic appliances as they occur and in so doing make optimum use of the recycling potential to hand, it is necessary to develop an appropriate system of collection, storage and transportation taking into account economic and ecological viewpoints.

VDI 2343 Blatt 3. TD*TR. 2002-02-00. Recycling of electrical and electronical equipment - Disassembly and processing. The recycling of used electrical and electronic serves the purpose of separation, recovery of reusable components (including subassemblies and modules) and of recyclable materials and the selective removal of envrionmentally hazardous materials. The diassembly of used electrical and electronic equipment aims at the recovery of resources in product and material cycles.

VDI 2343 Blatt 4. TD*TR. 1999-11-00. Recycling of electrical and electronic products - Marketing. The document describes legal, technical and economic points of view that must taken into account when marketing electrical and electronic products. Considerations to these three points of view brings with it limitations for marketing capability. It is only possible to market old electrical and electronic products if the criteria like re-use of components, further use of components, recycling of materials, further processing of materials are adequately met.

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