Produto: Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrônicos
O Ponto Focal da Lituânia respondeu o seguinte sobre exportação de Equipamentos Elétricos e Eletrônicos:
In response to your request I inform you that fundamental requirements of WEEE Directive (Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive 2002/96/CE) are incorporated in the Law Amending Waste Monitoring Law: Substâncias_perigosas_para_equipamentos_elétricos_e_eletrônicos.htm
It was adopted in 2004/04/29 and not yet translated into English. But even in Lithuanian version in Article 16, par. 6 you may see the reference to the EU directive 2002/96/EC. The second level legislation, i.e. Government Resolution transposing your indicated directives is in a draft stage.
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